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【b29 bet】Detroit reparations task force meets, supporters lobby for ‘no strings attached, direct cash’
发布日期:2024-05-17 12:09:34
close Reparations advocate tells CNN she doesn't know how San Francisco will pay $5 million to Black residentsVideo

Reparations advocate tells CNN she doesn't know how San Francisco will pay $5 million to Black residents

Reparations advocate Robin Rue Simmons told CNN that she doesn't know how San Francisco will pay their qualifying Black residents $5 million each in reparations. 

The Detroit reparations task force held its first meeting on Thursday at city hall. The group is expected to provide a written report within 18 months detailing steps the city can take to address systemic racism that effects Black Detroiters. Keith Williams, the group's executive co-chair, called the occasion a "historical day".

【b29 bet】Detroit reparations task force meets, supporters lobby for ‘no strings attached, direct cash’


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